This research uses some theories to find out the pattern of correlation
and to describe the source of problem of the research. The theories are such as
1. Sex Differences
Sex differences were being known as basic aspect of human being. These aspects can be explored from certain points of view in order to get focus of explanation. Besides, the term of sex differences may be able to  give impact for every side of human widely. From this notion, this  research would explore only certain points of view related to language learning and strategy. Exactly, further explanation would give completely explanations about several points of view such as: 1) sex differences in biological view, 2) sex differences in cognitive view, 3) sex differences in academically domains, 4) sex differences in language strategy and learning, 5) sex differences in linguistic interaction and politeness, and 6) sex differences in Islam.
First , sex differences in biological term are formulated by X (female) and Y (male). Sex differences of human are distinguished by chromosome. Female (XX) has double X chromosomes and male (XY) has one X and one Y chromosome[1]. Moreover, from these chromosomes, there are also two characteristics physically of human. An individual produces egg or ovum is female and an individual produces sperm is male. Physically, male has copulatory organ called penis and female has copulatory organ called vagina involving in fertilization[2].
Second , the research would investigate sex differences in cognitive view. This notion social expectations that describes how male and female should act, think and feel.[3] These elements are synthesizing and concentrating into cognitive elements named five strategies for cognitive view. They are repetition, resourcing, translation, grouping, and note-taking. Repetition means imitate language model. Resourcing concentrates on using target language reference materials.
After that, educators have to take focus on translation. Translation is using the first language as a base for understanding and producing second language.  Last is grouping and note-taking. Grouping is about reordering, reclassifying, and labeling the material to be learned based on common attributes while note-taking is about writing down main idea, important points and information in writing.[4]
Third , the necessary factor to be considered is sex differences in academically relevant domains. This factor consists of several elements: 1) physical performance, 2) math and science skills, 3) verbal skills, 4) educational attainment, 5) relationship skills, 6) prosocial behavior and aggression and self regulation.[5] From physical performance, boys are better than girls in athletic skills like running, throwing and jumping. The reason is boys are boys are more active than girls in term of gross motor movement. For math and science skills, boys do better math at measurement, science and sport while girls do better math at traditional female tasks like cooking and sewing.  Sex differences also take involve at verbal skills. Macoby and Jacklyn reported that females have better verbal skills than boys.[6] For educational attainment, there are various facts in any country because there is difference in condition and involving factors. In the United States, females are more likely than males to complete their high school. Furthermore, in the relationship aspect, there is fact that males enjoy activity like storytelling, joking and lecturing with information while females enjoy private talk and conversation. Moreover, for prosocial behavior, girls engage in more porosocial behavior than boys do. Last is aggression and self regulation, boys were reported that they were more aggressive than girls.  
Fourth, there is more specific aspect is for male and female approach in language learning and strategy. Sex differences or gender differences involve some different facts and evidences in language strategy.  Deborah Tannenn described some facts for men and women in language use.[7] As early fact is men are prefer speak in private context while women like speak in public. Next is man has characteristic for thinking and giving advice and woman likes for feeling and understanding.
Third fact for sex differences in language learning and strategy is males are seem to speak symmetrically while females are seem to speak asymmetrically. Last fact for Deborah Tannenn concept is man is more independent than women.
Fifth, deeply factor is for sex differences in interaction and linguistic politeness. Man and woman have different style in interaction with their own environment. In interaction of a discussion, men are more likely interrupt women, with 96 percent of the identified interruptions being attributed to men in one study involving American college students.[8]
Here is notion dealing with sex differences in interaction and politeness. There are two elements for politeness for sex differences term:[9] 1) sex differences in apologies, 2) sex differences in pay compliments.  First, below are a description about two different styles between man and woman in expressing apologies:
Example 1:
Jane is apologizing for breaking an arrangement to meet Molly for lunch.
Oh help I’ve double booked. I was just about to write you a note, I’ve got a
meeting. Let’s make another time.
(There is no explicit apology here).
Example 2:
David bumps into his wife Rose in the basement.
Oh that was silly of me. Didn’t mean to hurt you!  It’s so dark down here.
(Sometimes, an apology will involve an explicit promise that the offence will not be repeated).
Besides, men and women also have own style in pay compliments.
Pay compliment identified some motives in general like to express solidarity, appreciation, desire, and verbal harassment.
Example 1:
Young woman to her mother who is in hospital after a bad car accident
Oh mum you’ve got you false teeth- they look great.
(The mother had been waiting for some time to be fifted with false teeth to
replace those knocked out or broken in the car accident).
Example 2:
Man on building site to young woman passing by
Wow what legs. What are you doing with them tonight sweetie.
(These serve a very different interpersonal function from compliments between friends and acquaintances).
Last factor related to sex differences is from Islamic side. In biological view individual identified as male symbolized by XY and individual identified female symbolized by XX. This fact shows that only the male member has the full complement of chromosomes carrying the micro bio program of the species. Consequence, Allah created man at the first (Nabi Adam a.s.).17 In Islam, male member or man got superior consideration. Allah chooses man as messenger to tell all guidance or vision to the people. Overall, Allah made a man as special mode of creation.
Later, Allah made female member (Hawwa) as partner for Adam
subsequently based on holy Qur’an in the verse of Az Zumar: 6

  He created you from a single being: then of the same kind He made its made. He has provided for you eight heads of cattle in pairs. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, passing through three stages of darkness”18
However, Islam also gave woman as female member in the great position. According to this verse, Allah gave woman the high position as a mother for human. Instead, Allah made man and woman as same position
in the world. Man and woman are the parents for their children. When man and woman have got married, they got the same responsibility to educate their children. Allah says in the verses Al A’raf: 189 that first man (Nabi Adam a.s.) and first woman (Hawa) are the first parents for human.

“Tell them: I have no power to benefit or harm myself, Save as Allah pleases. If I had knowledge of the unseen, I would have secured abundance of good, and no harm would have be fallen me. I am but a warner and a bearer of glad tidings for a people who believe”

2.      Learning Language
Language is tool of communication. Based on Crow and Crow’s opinion, language is tool of expression for people.20 People can organize forms of expression in the social context. Deeply, from article “Pinker’s Language Instinct”, we knew definition of language might have come up with statement:
Language is a complex, specialized skill, which develops in the child spontaneously, without conscious effort or formal instruction, is deployed without awareness of its underlying logic, qualitatively the same in every individual, and is distinct from more general abilities to process information or behave intelligently.
Based on notion above, people really need language as a conducting part to interact one to another. There are also some characteristics of language. First is characteristic of language systematically and arbitrary. Second is language is symbolized has vocal and visual. Third is meaning has conventionalized which they refer. Fourth is language as tool of communication. Fifth is operating language in speech community or culture. Sixth is essentially human although possibly not limited for human. Last is language as universal thing, which is acquired by all people in much same way.
As foundation of learning, at the first, it needs to talk for definition of learning. Learning is one of basic activity of human. Based on past notion above, learning has wide and universal characteristics. Some linguists explained theories about learning such as below: 1) James O. Whittaker organizes learning as process where behaviour has appeared and has changed through trainings or experiences, 2) Cronbach gives opinion learning is shown by change in behaviour as a result of experience, 3) Howard L. Kingsley says that learning is the process by which behaviour (in the broader sense) is originated or changed through practice or training, 4) Geoch formulates learning is change is performance as a result of practice, 5) Slameto declares his opinion that learning is process was done by individual to get new change of behaviour comprehensively or as result of experience was done by individual in interaction with their environment.
Second is about learning pattern. Learning was done by individual differently. The reason is each individual has own characteristic and type of learning. From any notion above, based on Robert M. Gagne, there are differences pattern for males and females among signal learning, stimulus response, chaining, verbal association and discrimination. Signal learning gave involve that mastery of basic pattern of behaviour involuntary. Deeply, if we talk stimulus response and chaining, we will talk about trial recognition and S-R response concept (Stimulus-Response concept). While for verbal association and discrimination, it is related to description about generalization, rule and law.
Third, learning also has taken in formal activity like observation. There are several factors and element need to conduct like mode possesses characteristic, mimic, attention, retention, and last factor is motivation. Specifically, the most aspect observed in this research is attention, retention, production and motivation. Attention refers to emotional arousal while retention is described as structure or information easily remembered form or to mentally or physically by subject of the research. Besides, production explained as capable of producing the act. Last is motivation refers to some motives or reason to do by learners.
Fourth factor is theory of learning. Based on Saljo, there are some main categorizes for students’ respond in learning activity. The problem is about students’ respond to what they learned. Saljo described several factors as learning theory such as: 1) learning as quantitative increase in knowledge, 2) learning as memorizing or storing information can be reproduced, 3) learning as acquiring facts, skills and method that can be retained and used, 4) learning as making sense or abstracting meaning, 5) learning as interpreting and understanding in different way. All these factors are concentrated and focused into theory of learning. 
Fifth , there are personality factors involve learning. These factors such as the affective domain, self esteem inhibition, risk-taking, anxiety, empathy, extroversion, character types, and motivation. The representative of affective can be emotional side of human behaviour. Self esteem is the most pervasive aspect of any human behaviour. Next, inhibition refers to build sets of defenses to protect the ego and risk taking while anxiety is description about feeling fear. Then, empathy is ability to reach beyond the self to understand what another person is feeling. Furthermore, extroversion is the extent to which person has deep-seated need to receive ago enhancement, self esteem and a sense of wholeness from other people. Besides, character types are determined based on psychologically students’ character and last is motivation which is determined as extrinsic or intrinsic motives from learners to do something.
While in Islam , learning has close relationship with knowledge. People can know everything about knowledge by learning. In Islam, knowledge and its acquisition got considerable importance. As the fact, Allah gave the first firman to Rasulullah Muhammad SAW in the verses Al Alaq: 1-5
“(1)Read! In the Name of Your Lord, who has created (all that exists), (2) has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood), (3) Read! and Your Lord is the Most Generous, (4) who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)], (5) has taught man that which He knew not” 2
In this verses, Allah command people to learn as well as the word “Read” has mentioned for two times. That is the fact that people have to conduct learning in their life. The reason is Allah created great knowledge in the world for human according to verses Al Luqman:
and if All the trees on the earth were pens and the sea (were ink wherewith to write), with seven seas behind it to add to its (supply), yet the Words of Allâh would not be exhausted (in the writing). For Allah is Exalted in Power, full of wisdom”
In this verse, Allah says that He created incredible knowledge for people because He is source of knowledge. So, we have responsibility to discover as possible as we can to look for and to learn anything as evidences of existence of Allah.

[1] Richard C. Labarda, Foundations of Developmental Psychology , (United Sates of America: Academic Press of University of South Florida, 2010), p. 77.
[2] David Shier, et. al., Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology , (New York: Mc Graw Hill, 2004), p. 830.
[3] John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology: Classroom Update: Preparing for Praxis TM and Practice , (United States of America: Mc Graw Hill Company, 2006), p. 154.
[4] H Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching , (San Fransisco: Longman, 2000), 4 th Ed, p. 5.
[5] John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology: Classroom Update: Preparing for Praxis TM and Practice, p. 157.
[6] John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology: Classroom Update: Preparing for Praxis TM and Practice, p. 157.
[7] Deborah Tannenn, “You Just Don’t Understand; Six Contrasts of Gender in Language Use” , , retrieved: December 19, 2010.
[8]  George Yule, The Study of Language , (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006),
p. 225.
[9] Janet Holmes, Women, Men and Politeness , (England: Pearson Education, 1995), p. 8


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