Madrasah - This theoretical framework
presents the three
topics. The first
topic discussed the
education level background
comprising the definition
of parents, the definition of
education, education aim, level of education, the role of parent
in children education. second is about English learning achievement including
English language learning, the definition
of learning, learning
achievement, factor affecting
learning achievement and measurement of
learning achievement. The third topic
is the influence
of parents‟ level of
education to the children‟s education.
Parents‟ Education Level Background
a. Definition of
to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, parent is father or mother. In the process of education,
before children know society and get the
guidance from school,
firstly, they get
caring and guidance
from their parents. From their parent s , especially from their
mother, and for the first time
t he influence from
something which is
done by their
mother, in directl y will form their children
character . Because mother is as a school, if mother
prepares her children,
it means she
also prepares the
strong generation. Thorefore , education in family is a lso
called the first and prior education . According
to Ngalim Purwanto, the role s of mother
are :
1) The source and
the giver of love and affection
2) Caretaker
3) Controller in
4) Counselor of
personal relationship
5) Emotional
Beside mother,
father also has
important role in
forming children characteristic. The
activity which is
done by father
in his daily
work will give influence to their children. According
to Ngalim Purwanto, the role s of father
are :
1) Source of authority in family
2) Intern connecting
between family and society
3) Protector from
outer threat
4) The giver of
safe fell for all of the member of family
5) Rasional
b. Definition of
to McDonald, education is a process or an activity which is directed at producing desirable changes in the behavior of human being. Uyoh divide s the definition of education into two
1) Education in
specific meaning
word education is related to the word educere, the meant is “taking out an ability” ( e = take out,
ducere = lead), so education means guiding
to take out children‟s ability. The definition of education can be seen in
specific meaning and wide meaning.
In specific meaning,
Langeveld states that
education is guidance
which is given
by mature person
to the immature
person to reach
the maturation. According
to Hoogeveld, educate
is helping children so that they be able to finish their
duty of life by themselves.
education in specific meaning is an effort of adult person in guiding
their children to
reach the maturation.
Education in specific
meaning describes the education that focused in family environment.
2) Education in wide meaning
Education in
wide meaning is an effort
of human to
increase the prosperity
as long as
their life. Henderson
states that education
is as a process of
growth and development
and taking place
as the result
of the interaction
of an individual
with his environment,
both physical and
social beginning at
birth and lasting
as long as
life itself. It
is also a
process in which the social heritage as a part of social
environment becomes a tool to be used
toward the development of the best and most intelligent person. In
UU No. 20
2003 about National
Education System, said
that: “Education is an effort to
create the situation and process of learning in order to
make the students
actively develop their
potential so that
they have spiritual
power in religious,
self control, personality,
intelligence, good attitude and also skill which are needed by
themselves, society and nation.9 From
the definition of the e ducation above (in wide meaning), there are some basic principles in education:
a) a ) Life long
b) For humans,
education is the necessity because with education they will have an ability to develop.
c) Education is
responsibility for all
humans (parents, society
and government).
is important to
distinguish between education
and learning. All education
surely involves learning, but not all learning involves education. In the concept of education , there is an element of design of human
contrivance that is not integral to the meaning of learning. This
element of design is clear in the
definition of education
offered earlier: the
deliberate, systematic and sustained
effort to transmit, evoke or acquire knowledge, attitudes, value or skill.
Education in this
view, is purposeful
(deliberate), organized (systematic)
and consequential duration
(sustained). On the
other hand, learning
can be non
deliberate or incidental,
unorganized and very
short duration.
c. Education
Education aim is
a fundamental thing because
it will determine the goal of
the student. There are
some values which
have to be
considered in determine the education aim, as stated by
1) Autonomy:
Give individuals and
groups maximum awareness,
knowledge and ability,
so that they
can manage their
personal and collective life to the greatest possible
2) Equity: Enable all citizens to participate in
cultural and economic life by offering
them a basic education
3) Survival: Permit every nation to transmit and
enrich its culture heritage over generation,
but also guide
education toward mutual
understanding and toward
what has been
become a worldwide
realization of common
Based on
the three values
above, the function
of education is
to produce better generation and
to establish culture of the society or human to
get better personality. It can be concluded that the education in this
context is to create a better life.
d. Education
Level in Indonesia is as follow:
1) Primary
Education is education that gives the knowledge and skill, it grows basic attitude that is needed in
society and also prepares the students to
follow middle education.13In Indonesia, this Education has two parts:
a) Elementary
Children ages
6– 11 attend Sekolah
Dasar (SD) (literally
Elementary School). This
level of education
is compulsory for
all Indonesian citizens,
based on the
national constitution. Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah (MI) is the Islamic alternative to SD, following a
curriculum with more focus on Arabic and
b) Junior High
High school, generally known by the abbreviation "SMP" (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) is part of primary
education in Indonesia. After graduating
from elementary school, students attend Middle School for
three years from
the age of
12-14. Madrasah Tsanawiyah
(MTs) is the Islamic equivalent of SMP.
2) Middle
Education is education that prepares the students to be the member
of society who
have ability to
interact with social
culture environment and
surrounding environment and
also they are
able to develop their ability in higher education and
work place.
In Indonesia ,
there are two
types of senior
high school. First
is generally known
as by the
abbreviation "SMA" (Sekola h
Menengah Atas) and
second is SMK
(Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan).
SMA differs than SMK in their studies. The students at
SMA are prepared to continue their study
to university while students of SMK are prepared to be ready to
work after finishing
their school without
going to university/college. SMA
is simply the
university-preparatory school while
SMK is the vocational school.
Madrasah Aliyah (MA)
is the Islamic
equivalent of SMA, and Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK) the Islamic equivalent of SMK.16
3) Higher
Education is education that prepares the students to be the member of society that have high level
academic ability so that they can apply,
develop and create the knowledge, technology and art in order to improve the prosperity of society.
After gradua tion
from High school ,
students may attend
a university (higher
education). The higher
education institution is categorized in
two types: public
and private which
supervised by Ministry of National Education. There are
four types of higher education institution: Universities,
Institutes, Academies, and Polytechnics. There are different degrees in higher
education, namely Diploma 3 (D3) , Strata 1 (S1), Strata 2 (S2) and Strata 3 (S3).
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